Acute and Chronic Knee Pain - How to Treat

The knee is considered the most wear-prone joint in the human body. According to statistics, one-third of patients with musculoskeletal problems complain of pain. This symptom may be a sign of serious pathology, especially if both knees are injured. In order not to waste time and maintain mobility in your legs, it is important to consult a doctor as soon as you experience discomfort.causes of knee pain

Where does the pain come from?

The knee joint is a large joint in the leg whose structure consists of sizable bones (femur, tibia, and patella), a joint cavity lined with hyaline cartilage, and several pairs of ligaments (cardinal, superior, and inferior) internally and externallyLateral, cruciform) and meniscus.Pain receptors are not present in all locations, so when you complain of knee pain, the pain is usually localized:
  • in the synovium;
  • ligament;
  • periosteum.
Good to know! Knees are made of cartilage and have no innervation, so by definition they cannot be injured. Even if the cause of discomfort is destruction of tissue lining the joint, pain indicates that the periosteum and joint capsule lining are involved in the process.Pain may be caused by:
  • Degenerative inflammatory process of articular cartilage;
  • Infection of soft tissue, connective tissue, and cartilage tissue;
  • joint inflammation (bursae, cartilage, tendons);
  • Injuries to ligaments, menisci, and bones;
  • Circulatory disorders in the knee area.
Each group of pathologies has specific signs, and recognizing these signs can help determine the diagnosis and select appropriate treatment.

degenerative inflammatory disease

Arthropathy (knee joint disease) accounts for one-third of all cases of pain in one or both knees. This disease affects older adults and develops gradually. Slight discomfort after exercise gradually becomes the norm. After 2-3 years, even walking a short distance will cause pain in one knee or both legs at the same time.Good to know! Knee joint disease is not characterized by worsening of symptoms at rest. At night, my knees don't bother me when I sit or even stand quietly for a while.In addition to joint discomfort, patients also complain of joint creaking and deformation. Swelling, redness and warmth in the leg joints are not typical symptoms of the disease.

meniscus injury

Meniscal injuries are characterized by the sudden onset of the main symptom - severe pain in one leg, and less commonly in both legs. It always occurs during active movement: running, jumping, during unsuccessful maneuvers on skis or skates. This process is accompanied by a clearly audible crunching sound in the knees.The pain is so severe that you cannot bend or lift the affected leg. The symptoms subsided after a quarter of an hour. Without help, inflammation will develop within 24 hours:
  • Swelling in the injured knee area;
  • Increased pain syndrome;
  • Liquidity is limited.
When trying to lean on the leg, a sharp stabbing pain occurs, causing the limb to bend. All symptoms listed will gradually subside and disappear after about a month if you do not consult a doctor for treatment. However, they will come back after a long walk, hypothermia, or training.

Inflammatory processes and infections

Infectious and non-infectious arthritis, bursitis, and synovitis often accompany degenerative diseases and injuries. The nature of pain in inflammatory pathologies is soreness, twisting or popping, sometimes burning.Good to know! Unlike other causes, knee discomfort from arthritis is worse during rest and sleep and lessened during exercise. This symptom can become especially severe after prolonged physical activity.The disease is accompanied by swelling and redness of the joints and, when the joint capsule is involved, fluid accumulation. The deformation that occurs looks like a rubbery bump on the surface of the knee. The overlying skin tightens, becomes shiny, and turns red.

Impairment of blood supply to joints

So-called vascular pain often occurs in adolescence and continues throughout life. The reason for its appearance may be the uneven growth of the different tissues of the limbs: the bones "overtake" the blood vessels and muscles, causing them to become tight. Distinguishing features of vascular symptoms in the knee:
  • Symmetry - discomfort in both limbs;
  • Pain may be aggravated by sudden temperature changes, weather changes, or physical activity;
  • Weakens quickly after massage.
This type of pain does not require specific treatment, other than using topical therapies.

Tendon inflammation

Crow's feet (one of the ligaments in the knee) arthritis is a classic symptom in older women. This symptom occurs only when carrying heavy objects and walking down stairs. No discomfort or weakness when bending or moving on a flat surface. There are no significant limitations in mobility of the affected limb. There is no swelling, redness or deformation during arthritis.

treatment method

It is recommended to entrust the treatment of the knee to a doctor - an orthopedist, traumatologist, rheumatologist or surgeon. Specialists in other fields can also be involved in the treatment: physiotherapists, chiropractors, massage therapists. The goal of treatment is not only to eliminate symptoms but also to restore their function and prevent recurring exacerbations.Before starting treatment, get a diagnosis:
  • Radiographs of joints, which allow you to see damage to bones, cartilage, and menisci;
  • CT or MRI are methods that can detect abnormalities in blood vessels, soft tissue, bone, and cartilage;
  • Ultrasound of joints, which can detect cartilage damage and determine the volume and density of synovial fluid;
  • Arthroscopy - A method of visual inspection of the joint cavity using optical equipment;
  • Microscopic analysis of intra-articular fluid is performed to detect infection and inflammation.
The treatment strategy is chosen based on the diagnosis, but the regimen is always the same:
  1. The initial phase is symptomatic treatment and pain relief.
  2. The main stage is to eliminate the cause of the discomfort.
  3. The final stage is the recovery of the joints.
To eliminate symptoms, conservative treatment with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs is sufficient. They are prescribed as topical medications (ointments, gels) and oral tablets. In addition, doctors recommend distraction and warming agents.In the initial stages, it is important to rest the affected joint. Need to exclude load:
  • long walks;
  • weightlifting;
  • Perform certain exercises that require active squatting or jumping.
If a limb is injured, you can use a tight immobilizing bandage, orthotics, or even a plaster cast, depending on the advice of your treating physician.Depending on the diagnosis, additional medications may also be prescribed:
  • General fortifiers and vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • NSAIDs, including injections;
  • Chondroitin and glucosamine preparations;
  • Drugs that speed up the regeneration of damaged tissue.
After objective improvement, a course of general strengthening exercises, physiotherapy, massage and exercise therapy is carried out to restore joint function and strengthen muscles and ligaments.If conservative treatment fails, radical methods are used - minimally invasive and surgical intervention. Direct instructions for them are:
  • Severe pain that cannot be relieved by analgesics;
  • Purulent exudate forms in the joint cavity or purulent cavity forms in the soft tissue of the joint;
  • Partial or complete blockage of a joint;
  • The cartilage is significantly deformed, changing or hindering joint function;
  • Damage to the internal elements of the joint - bone, cartilage, meniscus, cruciate ligaments.
After surgery, continue conservative treatment to prevent complications and reduce discomfort. In order to restore mobility, strengthen and stabilize the leg joints, rehabilitation treatment is performed, including physical therapy, exercise therapy, massage, hydrotherapy, etc. To prevent repeated exacerbations, it is recommended to moderately load the limbs to avoid hypothermia and consult a doctor. If you feel unwell, seek medical attention immediately.